Conservation & Outdoors Storytelling (Virtual)


Conservation & Outdoors Storytelling (Virtual)


A practical online course that gives participants a strong foundation in conservation/outdoors/environmental storytelling. Learn from National Geographic Explorer Danielle Khan Da Silva, Sony’s Erin Sullivan (“Erin Outdoors”), Natascha Hirt, and Evermaven’s Dave Coulson as they take you through how to work in this space, with necessary tools such as how to pitch a story to potential funders and editors. Participants can do this course at their own pace using the pre-recorded lesson plans.

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Conservation & Outdoors Storytelling is for anyone who cares deeply about nature, the environment, protecting land and water, and the outdoors. Whether you are an educator, a conservationist, storyteller, advocate or combination of these, this course will help you visually communicate effectively. You’ll have everything you need to advocate for the protection of our land and waters in a good way. Learn from established storytellers such as Danielle Da Silva, Erin Sullivan (also known as Erin Outdoors), David Coulson and Natasha Hirt.

By completing this course, you will learn:

  • How to construct an effective visual story.

  • How to make an impact in an ethical way.

  • How to find and pitch a story that makes sense for you.

    This is a self-guided, online course.