“I met Manatee Mike just a few weeks before he started chemotherapy. We immediately connected over the manatee. Mike grew up in Crystal River on one of the islands up until Duke Energy power plant took it over. He shared his concerns about the manatee and the way that people often chase and smother them.
In 2021 there were 1,100 manatee deaths in Florida coming in with the highest death count since they began tracking manatee deaths in 1974. We connected over how much the quality of water has changed over the years and how he is told to no longer eat the fish that come from this part of the river. He knew this place before all of the houses, the over-pumping, the excess nitrates from sewage systems and the agricultural run-off.
Today he splits his time between going into some of the springs and bays that the manatees live in and take refuge in during the winter, and spending his time caring for a community of abandoned cats.
I leave these spaces knowing there is much work to be done and feel like this little one was asking me and is asking all of us to show up and care for these waters. The rainbow and grass also leave me with a feeling of hope that if we show all show up as everyday protectors that things will get better.”
“I am a Venezuela-born photographer who specializes in wildlife and nature photography on the ancestral lands of the Timucua, Miccosukee and Seminole Nations. I have lived here since I was 3 years old and have witnessed the springs transform from lushious dreamy underwater landscapes that I swam in as a child to to algae covered looking deserts. I have been working with Mike on this project since August of 2022. If you would like to support the work that Mike is doing the way that you can best support his passion is through donating $ for cat food below.”
This story is the recipient of a PWB Micro-Grant.