A little bit about you:

I am a writer who believes that factual journalism and compassionate storytelling are not mutually exclusive. I enjoying taking a multimedia approach to my work by using photography and writing to bring a story to life. In my spare time, I enjoy doing yoga, grabbing a coffee and spending time outdoors.

A little bit about your role at PWB:
As a writer at PWB, I will be writing content for the website, magazine and newsletter.

What are you most passionate about?
I am passionate about creating journalism that connects us to each other and honours what we collectively hold sacred.

Why is decolonizing photography/​storytelling important to you?

To me decolonization is the only framework through which we can understand freedom in our society. Since decolonization is not only dismantling systems set up by oppressors, but also actively highlighting a new narrative where Indigenous knowledge systems are centred, I believe photography and storytelling play one of, if not the central role in helping us visualize a truly free society. Portraying power as inclusive strengthens communities and as storytellers I believe it is our duty to paint portraits of those who never got the opportunity to have their stories told.

How do your personal goals align with those of PWB?

As an aspiring documentary photojournalist, I wish to become part of a creative community that values diversity and focuses on intentional impact. Representation and storytelling are so powerful, not only in how we view others, but also in how we view ourselves. I want to create work that challenges my conception of truth and allows me to uncover what is truly sacred in our global community.

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